Scheduling an Appointment
Appointments are scheduled using three categories: Urgent (within 24 hours of call), Non-urgent (within 2 weeks), Physical Examination (within 4 weeks). Children that need to be seen within 24 hours when all the appointments are full will be seen as a work-in by the first available physician. We ask that you make every effort to arrive on time for your appointment. We adhere to a strict no-show policy, so if it as necessary to cancel an appointment, please call the office as soon as possible to reschedule so that others are allowed to get an appointment. Check-up appointments arriving more than 15 minutes late will need to be rescheduled.
Insurance Information
It is the policy of BRIARWOOD MEDICAL to collect insurance co-pays prior to being seen by the doctor. If you do not have an office co-pay but have a deductible contract, you will be asked to pay the fee after the visit until your deductible is met. Our office will assist in filing your insurance claims. Be prepared to supply your insurance information at the time of your child’s appointment. Please keep us informed of any change in your insurance status or address. Insurance information brought in more than 90 days from the date of service will not be filed. Although we file your insurance, payment of the bill is ultimately your responsibility. After your insurance is filed, you will receive an Explanation of Benefits from your insurance carrier regarding what they are or are not going to pay.
All non-covered and remaining charges after your insurance has paid will be billed to you in a monthly statement. If you do not understand why your insurance has not covered a charge, please contact the insurance carrier for clarification. If there are extenuating circumstances that occur and you would like to set up your bill on a payment plan, please contact our Office at 718-523-7188.